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Spotify Music Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/thisisjakk/playlist/5AXc
Habe die Lautsprecher über ein
Technics AV SA-DX930 Verstärker laufen
Basic tutorial, lang mga idol kung paano mag set-up ng Car Amp pang bahay..
CTTO: music na ginamit ko pang soundcheck (dj boniver)
Sa gusto bumili ng POWER SUPPLY;
12V 1
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Car Amplifier Rock Mars Vs MMD Amplifier 4 Channel Comparison Features Review Prices In Pakistan
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I have been wanting to do this for a long time. Just haven't had the
A nice little mash-up using 4 clips that only took around 20 minutes to make - Today we got three sexy installs and a bit of bonus flex with the famous Zack Metts! Thanks For Watch
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board - Join our fun, friendly and knowledgeable community today!
A couple of boxes arrived. One of them i think i know what it is, the
Doing some excursion testing on the new enclosure after tuning.
Test was done sealed up. It moves a ton of air with the windows down. SUBSCRIBE to follow this build.
Bassheads Unite 2017
Time for a little rant! Let's talk about CAR AUDIO vs HOME AUDIO...
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So many projects, so little time! Looks like we've got our work cut out for Little Blue and Frankenstein. From a busted up steering shaft to an entire trunk rebuild, this year is d
What do the colors on your wiring harness mean? How do you connect your wiring harness or interface to your stereo? We'll show you!
Full explanation on our blog: http://blog.qu
Car Woofers & Car Amplifier Price in Pakistan 2023 / Speakers / Sultan Ka Khoo Rawalpindi
Cara memasang subwoofer pada speaker aktip yang sudah ada tone controlnya ditambah dengan power ampli fier sendiri dengan daya yang lebih besar untuk menghasilkan suara bas yang ma
Berikut cara membuat atau merakit ampli untuk speaker subwoofer khusus untuk pemula..
Untuk membuat ampli subwoofer kita memerlukan bahan dan alat sebagai berikut :
Pada video ini akan berbagi cara membuat ampli subwoofer aktif untuk sub 12 inch. Juga sekalian untuk bahan revisi pada video sebelumnya yaitu video membuat sub aktif 8 inch yg mac
Tutorial ini ( untuk vokal saja jika kabel kurang panjang )
Jl. Barata Jaya XIX No. 9A
Bratang - Surabaya 60284
Website : tokotitaniumaudi
Cara mudah memasang pilter subwoofer di ampli speker aktip
A nice and basic video on how I carpeted the bandpass box using Super 77 spray glue with latex backed carpet from Parts Express. Despite my dull blades, it worked like a charm! Thu
SMD Products available here - http://www.wcCarAudio.com
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board and join a GREAT car audio community today!
Video 1 of 2 i filmed of thi
visit: https://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board Join the forum today!
SMD Products available here: http://www.wcCarAudio.com
This was my first demo at the SkyHigh BBQ 2017. R
Today we're coming in with Tyler's sick 4th order bandpass with 4 Lethal Injection 15s on only a single Incriminator 20.1!!! Loved the sound of this install, keep up the good work
Hope you guys have enjoyed this video! Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more content and be sure to let me know in the comments what you want to see!
Purchase merch: https
Cerwin Vega VE-15F "Bass i love you" and more..
Quick Facts about the GM-A5702:
- 2-Channel Bridgeable Amplifier with Bass Boost
- 1000 Watts Max Power
- Automatic signal sensing and Turn-ON
- Adjustable bass
From dramatic distinction to dramatic design, Pioneer's new GM-Series amplifiers are thrillers in every sense, pushing the limits of flexibility and functionality.
Quick Facts a
Hope you guys have enjoyed this video! Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more content!
Purchase clothes: https://goo.gl/80i8ul
Add me on Snapchat: Doublsmm
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The listing I bought it from: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B09YT5N1BJ
Songs used (in chronological order):
Mortals - Warriyo https://youtu.be/yJg-Y5byMMw
Being a huge fan of everything related to speakers and sound, I recently got my 1st set of wireless Bluetooth speakers... and boy was I sure surprised! and NO...I was not paid to m
Time for another side project inside Little Blue! Today we're installing these cheap $20 LED light strips from Amazon under the dashboard and behind the seats. The best part is...
Link To Chials
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Get Second Skin’s #1 Sound Deadener here
Well guys, the Impala tapped out on the way home from a family party this weekend - stalled out from overheating, now we just gatta' find the problem and get it fixed up without lo
Chicago CA-806 4 Channel Amplifier Unboxing Review Hindi
Please watch in HD and use headphones..
FB Page
Buy it
100w x2 @ 4ohm
Add Power And Clarity To The Sound System Of Your Car By Installing 802 Amplifier. This 2 Channel Bridgeable Amplifier Comes With Connection Nodes On Its
As requested, here's another vlog style update just hangin' out and chatting with everyone :) Thanks for watching!
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See ORIGINAL Chocolate Milk Trick video from 2007 here:
The time has officially come to get started on the new NVX blowthrough! And thanks for Droppin' HZ Car Audio we got all the goods we could ever need! Check out their website for mo
Hey everyone! Time to UPGRADE Little Blue's mids & highs speakers with some new high quality drivers from B&C Italy! We've had the same install for a couple years now, so let's get
Talk about one clean audio install!!! Roonie is back with another awesome looking build straight from Northeast Car Audio! Thanks for checking out the new video everyone! Much more
A nice smooth walk-around looking at some awesome show cars at the Sanford Sound car show last year! Thanks For Watching Everyone
Follow Me Here! :)
Another clean car audio system with Ryan's two Sundown X-15's on a single 4000 watt bass amplifier! Enjoy the videos? THUMBS UP For More :)
Follow Me Here :)
Coming in with another great sounding bass demo! This time we got Jon's 4 DC Audio 12's on a single 5000 watt bass amp! I always love hearing a variety of systems so thanks for the
Wow, this truck never disappoints! Clean as ever before and filled to the gills with high-end bass gear - The guys over at Northeast Car Audio do it right! Thanks for watching. eve
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board - Join our fun, friendly and knowledgeable community today!
Get Second Skin’s #1 Sound Deadener here
SMD Sub Enclosures coming soon! http://www.wcCarAudio.com
More CNC Pics and discussion here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/200965-time-to-expand-smd-hq-bought-bu
#amplifier #amp #bass #subwoofer
Bila Berminat Bisa Cek Di Sini Ya
Ejemplo para conectar un amplificador de 2 salidas a un subwoofer explicacion detallada paso a paso y con tips importantes para coicidir amplfifcador y subwoofer adecuados.
EN este video vamos a ver como instalar un subwoofer en un amplificador de 4 canales, ademas vamos a hacer pruebas del antes y después.
Moments like this are what fuel my passion for making videos. I know motivation comes in all shapes and sizes, and I feel blessed to be able to impact even just one person in a pos
Now this was definitely one of my favorite things to see, someone who loves what they have and jammin' like no tomorrow! Come check out Josh's crazy inverted subwoofer setup, and b
Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (Bass Boosted)
Installing the new battery bank, and wiring up the freshly color coated busbars! These things really made everything stand out - plus with the protective coating, she'll stay looki
SMD Products available here: http://www.wcCarAudio.com
See all the pics/progress here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/192946-father-son-project-02-yukon-a-rockford
Craphy C-204 Camera Flash Unboxing and Review
Box build Pics here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/207001-a-fun-ported-box-build-for-2-massive-pride-st-12-subs-34hz-update-102416/
Visit my site! Join the forum!
Crazy how underrated these subs are. Using an audiopipe 18001 apcl
Song red lips (feat sam bruno) (zookeepers remix) GTA
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board
Rockford Fosgate/SMD Products etc available here: http://www.wcCarAudio.com
This is a compilation from some of my favorites in t
Visit my site! Join the forum! http://www.wcCarAudio.com
See more pictures here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board
Stopped by a local sound comp to say hi to all m
SMD Products Available at http://www.wcCarAudio.com
Visit my site! Join the forum today! More pics of the SMD Sub here : http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/boar...
Coming soon!
Manny's ride was one the coolest installs I saw this year at SBN. It has so many mods it's hard telling what vehicle it is anymore! I can't even imagine the amount of time invested
Terrell's truck is by far the sickest JBL system I've ever heard! This thing was a work of art, and I'm really glad I got to hear it at SBN this year! Thanks For Watching Everyone
Loudest Drag Car w/ Cold Engine & Exhaust!
Visit my site! Join the forum! http://www.wcCarAudio.com or http://www.SteveMeadeDesigns.com
Just having a little bit of fun testing out the new Psyph Morrison album that is ab
See more pics & join the discussion here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/205616-a-colossal-russian-subwoofer-unboxing-very-heavy-12-15-subs-carbon-fiber-cones-caps/<
This time it's 9 of them! - Freakin Awesome! - Bass so deep you can barely hear it ~ That is, only if you have a harmonica handy :)
Finally got some nice footage of the Crescendo PWX speakers in action from a distance! Walked all the way to the end of the parking lot and the music was still CRYSTAL CLEAR! http:
click here to see sound system http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/142076-ubllexus-is-f-sound-system-install-mechman-270a-alternator-installed-page-5/
click here to see
Links to This Budget Banger!
eBay: https://ebay.to/3bvAFqu
Links to the Skar Box used!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RNkCgO
eBay: http://ebay.us/pzW7Sm
SMD SunFlash Resin (and more) Available here http://www.wccaraudio.com Try some! You will NEVER go back!
See all the build pics here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/to
Be it there's no longer a reason for the 19 inch deck sadly protruding out of the back of my old amp rack, I did the only thing I could think of - Chop er' down, and Screw er' Up :
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board - Join our fun, friendly and knowledgeable community today!
A friend from Facebook and loyal SMD customer asked me if i could fabb
SMD Products Available here http://www.wccaraudio.com - also check out the new shirts, hats, beanies, pullovers and zip-ups!
A few days ago, i picked up a 2014 Polaris RZR 4 900
Check out the sound system install here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/188956-polaris-rzr-4-900-rockford-fosgate-sound-system-install-ubl-1500-watts-ipad-mini-more/<
Catching up on videos as we approach some sick SBN footage! Today we've got Dylan and his 4th order loaded up with some custom built woofers! Stay tuned for much more, and Thanks F
Part 2 online! Getting tons of stuff done with the build, so let's not waste any time!! Come check out the progress and STAY TUNED tomorrow for the final part :)
Visit DroppinHz
Halo semuanya, kami dari Weekend Project, Ini video kedua dari kami, mengenai cara memasang subwoofer di mobil dengan biaya se-minimal mungkin dan peralatan seadanya
Both amps are class D digital and designed for high-efficiency to improve your stereo's sound quality!
The DA6002D is a two-channel digital amplifier with 80 Watts of RMS power
Just good ol' fashion fun! Subs not even at full tilt or broken in yet!
Here's some good ol' fashion excursion and flex! Got a LOT more footage coming......stay tuned bitches!
Check out DAD's website!
review and how to install kinetic KA-10US subwoofer
#kinetic #subwoofer #mekaniko
Time to settle the worries about my "dangerous" new batteries! After all your thoughtful concerns this past month, let's finally explain how AWESOME these JY Power battery cells ar
Start your next build today: http://www.parts-express.com/term/nd91?m=301&utm_source=youtub&utm_medium=youtube&utm_content=ND91
The ND91 from Dayton Audio's Neo Balanced line is
In this series of videos i show off some amazing Digital Designs kit up close, with some free air excursion woofer porn!
This is one of the most beautiful woofers i have ever
In this series of videos i show off some amazing Digital Designs kit up close, with some free air excursion woofer porn!
This is DDs success story of recent times - the super-
In this series of videos i show off some amazing Digital Designs kit up close, with some free air excursion woofer porn!
I could watch this woofer move all day - the SW6.5 is
Link to this Bad Boy!
Unfortunately these subs seem to be all sold out but see below link for more Deaf Bonce Products
A nice walk-around with a super decked out demo van, and one ridiculous Maverick install! I never get tired of seeing people's custom fiberglass work, and this stuff was off the ho
#audiophilejazz #audiophile
Deep Bass and Dynamic Sound - Audiophile music 2022
Deep Bass and Dynamic Sound - Audiophile music 2022
Deep Bass and Dynamic Sound - Aud
Visit my site! Join the forum! http://www.wcCarAudio.com
I built these shop towers from scratch in this shop. See the entire build playlist by clicking here: https://ww
Link to This Sub! Really Appriciate Paul for lower the prices on these for my viewers!
12" Version: https://g2daudio.com/products/dad-bd12d2-12-subwoofer?ref=parkerbasshead
The time has officially arrived!!! Let's get busy removing this over-the-top subwoofer enclosure from Frankenstein's strong grip! Tons of great shots and close calls, thanks for jo
Getting an awesome bass demo from Andy's Subaru groundpounder! He's got 4 Sundown Zv4 15's on 10,000 watts playing frequencies into the low teens! Thanks for the jam session bro, k
Yup, we tested this in the store
Shoutout to Atlas Singapore, the best and most friendliest audio store.
Website: https://yko.io/raynepeh
Donate: https://www.paypal.me
hola amigos en esta ocacion les traigo este video comparativo entre estos bafles .
espero que el video sea de su agrado nos vemos en la proxima saludos
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN bass tube speaker and subwoofer box speaker bass tube vs subwoofer box kya hain
bass tube vs subwoofer box
bass tube
subwoofer box
We explain the difference between Passive and Active Subwoofers and which is better. We describe the subwoofers purpose, and also answer what is a passive subwoofer and what is an
Test and show how to setup and plug in cheap 80W Amplifier MP3 Player Decoder Board DC 5V-26V Support Call Recording BT 5.0 Car FM Radio Module Support TF USB AUX 3.5 WAV
link t
diy custom speaker box + joson uranus power amplifier #diyspeaker #amplifier #soundsystem @AleksOnDIY #shorts
Ready for some new JAMS on the DIY Speaker Towers!? Let's get her loud again! Thanks for watching :)
Check out the 30 minute BUILD VIDEO!
For less than 5 bucks invested into this little thing, it sure gets the job done! Been using it everyday since I made it :)
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Hope you guys have enjoyed this video! Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more content!
Purchase clothes: https://goo.gl/80i8ul
Add me on Snapchat: Doublsmm
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Come join the fun as we go through the entire build, making our very own custom SPEAKER TOWERS! Add this videos to your favorites, and slap thumbs up if you enjoy :)
added a 300w amp and crossover filter, and testing it with a sine wave generator at 5 and 3hz! didnt think it was possible but works great!
Please Use Headset For HQ Bass Ok !
if you love this music please like , comment , share & subscribe, thanks !
DJ Mixing By Paul Cans
kunjungi playlist lagu cek subwoo
download mp3 versi original music di sini : https://youtu.be/duaISogNEbU
Judul : Ora Trimo
Vocalis : Om.Kris (Katon Gayeng)
Pencipta Lagu : Om.Kris (Katon Gayeng)
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download single mp3 dj low low style trumphet here : https://youtu.be/mBJkGHq_Vo8
photo atwork album by ayuniie , you can follow IG @ ayuniie97
Follow Me On :
Please Use Headset For HQ Bass Ok !
00:00 Title : Wanna Be
Genre : Trap Bass Boost
Composer : DJ Tobi ( Melayani Pesanan Jingle Karnaval WA 0821 3911 8676 )
download single mp3 dj crazy thrush here : https://youtu.be/BfrT3eQ_OXQ
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Time to settle the rumors once and for all!
More Car Audio Q&A! Today we tackle all sorts of topics, answering questions about powering subwoofers with low power, all the way to breaking down the different types of car audio
A subwoofer is more than just a big speaker, there are several components that make up the subwoofer's anatomy and having an understanding of what they are and what they do will al
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#AmpDyno #Amplifier #Bass
Down4Sound MiniMaxx - 1000W Five Channel MM1005 and 3kW Monoblock MM3000KFD
D4S MiniMaxx Amplifiers: https://lddy.no/1hrle
Check out the sound system install here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/188956-polaris-rzr-4-900-rockford-fosgate-sound-system-install-ubl-1500-watts-ipad-mini-more/<
More pics/mods here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/204463-smd-2015-cadillac-escalade-black-on-black-white-wilwood-brakes-installed-page-1012/page-1
2 month
#AmpDyno #Amplifier #Bass
DS18 FRP-3.5k Full Range 3500W Mini Amplifier
DS18 Website: https://ds18.com/collections/mobile-1-channel-full-range
DS18 Enhanced Bass Rem
Another quick NVX demo with Kane's two VCW 12's in a 6th order bandpass box. The audio pickup was a bit washy for some reason, but it sounded much better in REAL life :) Thanks for
Feeding 20,000 Watts to 2 15's!?!?.. YUP!! Talk about a sick sounding setup! Scott's system leaves no stone unturned - completely custom, and damn good looking too! I definitely lo
Time for more BASS demos!!! Today we've got three loud sounding car audio systems all coming in super strong with 16 12s, 3 18s, and 2 21 inch subwoofers! Stay tuned for lots of in
Got a little taste of bass from Alan Bauman's sound system, and hot damn!! For only 2 18's this beast sounded way more powerful! Just wish the stinkin' microphone could handle it
I kind of stole this video from "Chris". I couldn't find this song on Itunes but I loved it and I wanted to try it out on my "home theater". It looks like it is a song from Tomb Ra
#amplifier #amplifierconnection
Dulcet DC-A50x Amplifier Unboxing and Review in telugu
Buy link :-
My vlog Channel :- ( mural
Peep my RZR system build here: https://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/188956-polaris-rzr-4-turbo-900-rockford-fosgate-sound-system-install-ubl-1500-watts-ipad-mini-update-ne
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board - Join our fun, friendly and knowledgeable community today!
Supposed to be about 60hp/106ft-lbs gain. And very safe. Only way to f
My new Eclipse sound system consisting of the Eclipse SW9102 Titanium Subwoofer, Eclipse XA1200 amplifier, and Eclipse CD1200 CD/MP3 Player. I built the box and the shelf/drawer m
SMD Products available here - http://www.wcCarAudio.com
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board and join a GREAT car audio community today!
Video 2 of 2 i filmed of thi
En este video vamos a hablar un poco sobre el área del cono de un subwoofer.
Very underexposed video! My apologies
Purchase links:
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Bluetooth-ELEGIANT-Wireless-Output-Dual/dp/B071L4LGPH
Amazon UK: https
SMD Products can be found at http://www.wcCarAudio.com , Amazon, Ebay http://www.sonicElectronix.com and more!
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board - Join our fun, frie
Ever heard Kesha's music get down like this? Talk about some hardcore BASS excursion! But then again, everything sounds better when its played on a 10,000 watt stereo system ;)
Let's test the JBL Bar 5.1 Sound Bar’s wireless subwoofer with music and video games.
Buy JBL Bar 5.1 - https://amzn.to/2WuRlHC
✅ Buy me a Coffee via Patreon: http://bit.ly/
EXTREME Bass Demo w/ YouTube's BoydHeaton1 - THUMBS UP FOR MORE :)
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Take your outdoor sound system to the next level with this burial subwoofer. Equipped with a beefy 12” woofer, it hits the low notes for a ground shaking performance that is unmatc
Bs4 12'' subwoofer gettin good excursion , i decided to call it the Bs4 , B.S. are my initials and its my 4th custom subwoofer :) getting good Xmax ! custom built by mazda2284 its
Todo para tu instalacion https://electronica.mercadolibre.com.mx/_DisplayType_G_CustId_145087939_seller*id_145087939
Obtén un 5% de descuento en https://www.sonicelectronix.com
excursionando sub boss 15pol 1.000w rms
Mini system - Sony MHC GTR88 1100w rms
musica - lil jon Throw It Up
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Thumbs up for 2012!! Good times here, bringing you on the 1st behind the scenes video, shooting the mysterious apparition effect seen in almost every Holly
Time to go pick up Frankenstein then install our BIGGEST subwoofers ever inside Little Blue! Stay tuned for all the big car audio projects coming up :)
Follow My Stuff Here:
Wondering where the new build is? Don't worry, she'll be here soon! Just saving up money to buy 2 more amps, 50 more feet of 0 gauge, Lots of birch wood, build supplies, and of cou
Hey everyone! Here's a nice update video sharing what's been going on lately - I've also been considering going with a 6th order box design for the CT Sounds subs! Let me know what
Getting lots and lots done everyone! Here's a little update showing and explaining what's been accomplished in the past week. Still tons of sanding to do after the 2nd coat of fill
Just a quick update showing you all what's been going on since returning from Maine during this stressful time for our family. Thanks again for all your kind words, and support eve
First Video From Inside The Port :) THUMBS UP FOR MORE!
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More Hair
Happy Halloween! Here's some updates on things :) Check out My 2nd Channel For MUCH MORE! http://youtube.com/EXOabigdeal
Follow Me Here! :)
With only one more week to go before moving into our first place, I figured now would be the perfect time to film an update video for everyone :)
Interested?? - Start a Conversation With Me On Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/EXOcontralto
Just an update on life, and the random stuff that happens in it. Would you like a limited edition bracelet from yours truly? Hit me up, and I'll hook you right up!!! http://www.you
SBN is upon us...Time for INSANE BASS VIDEOS! Add me on Instagram for SNEAK PEAK pictures & videos from the trip! http://instagram.com/EXOcontralto
SPECIAL *HD* Thanks To All These Great People & YouTuber's!! ~ Your positive messages & kindness reminds me of why I love doing this!.
Thank You ALL for helping
A relaxing takeoff into the New England sky from aboard an airplane on my way to Daytona Beach, Florida! Really looking forward to this year for some extreme bass demos! :)
Making room for the NEW Ascendant Audio Mayhem 18 inch Subwoofer! - Can't Wait For The Install! Steve , You da man! ~ EXO
Here's a little video sharing some really cool stuff with you guys - Just explaining everything that's been going on lately with life, health, and of course the car audio installat
Well, looks like I spoke a little too soon guys... Winter has officially reared it's ugly head for the season! Keep safe & stay warm everyone - Thanks for watching!!
Counting down the hours till she departs from the driveway!
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Big projects take time - so I'm not going rush it :)
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Thanks for s
Thank you for the awesome birthday wishes everyone. Stay tuned to watch the entire day from start to finish in the next edition of "What Did You Do Today" - And as always, thanks f
Jammin' out on the CT Sounds install with lots of great sounding bass songs from DJ JD's Skrewed Collection! Got some cool flex shots too! Still very impressed with the output from
The Coolest Surprise Ever! - Alex, A Young Basshead From Australia, Decided To Show his ULTIMATE EXO SUPPORT, and Painted His Very Own Bedroom WALL With The EXO Logo! Wow!!!!
Love HUGE woofers? Behold the DEAF BONCE from Alphard Audio! This monster 15" sub is a true privilege to handle, and its little brother from the HANNIBAL series isn't playing aroun
Un-boxing the new COOLING fans for the Saturn Ion install! They may look a little odd, but these little things move SO MUCH AIR! Enjoy the videos? Slap a THUMBS UP For More! :)
*T-mic Songs Below* Got Questions? Every morning before I start my day out fresh, I reply to every single comment - Want a guaranteed reply? ALL you have to do is comment on a vide
Hey everyone, it's time to start a new winter project! This time around we're going to build ourselves a complete crossover network driving budget mid bass drivers with some tweete
Time to get LOUD everybody! Come check out these awesome new speakers for the WALL BUILD from Alphard Sound Technologies! Interested in more? Contact Vladimir Mukhin on Facebook fo
Hey everyone! Come join me for a night of cruisin' in Frankenstein :)
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Don't miss any of the action on my MAIN CHANNEL as we start planning for the new NVX build in the F150! Follow the links below to help support more EXO YouTube videos :)
EXOcontralto 2017
Sharing a quick tip I picked up from the fam thorugh the years. Hanging up some empty glass jars on the ceiling for some extra storage space for all my little miscellaneous supplie
More progress and good times walling off Saturn! Think it's safe to say she's nearly bulletproof now? :D Be Sure To Slap A Thumps Up For More Videos! :)
Follow Me Here :)
The wall is officially sealed off at the b-pillar! Today we go through the steps taken to create this ultra tight seal. Enjoy The Videos? Be Sure To Slap a THUMBS UP For More! :)
The moment is finally here! Tonight we officially reached 100,000 subscribers on YouTube! HUGE THANKS to everyone who enjoys watching the videos - If it weren't for people like you
Let The Good Times Roll :) - http://www.youtube.com/exoabigdeal
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Find Even More Videos On My 2nd Channel: EXOabigdeal
It's Official G
Ditching The VAN & Rebuilding for 2012... IN STYLE!
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Diagram Vid
Now this was just CRAZY! Today we've got those epic lows, an exploding subwoofer and one massive bass demo with 16 12's! Come check out all the action and be sure to Slap a Thumbs
Now this was awesome! When I was down in Florida, the owner of Auto Sound Factory (links below) called up a few of his buddies and put on a mini car show for us right there in the
WARNING: These videos may cause people with photosensitive epilepsy to convulse in seizures. Viewer discretion is advised.
● ♫ NOXERO X HEDEN - Bataille [Bass Boosted] ♫ ●
● ♫ [ MentalBass ] ♫ ●
Subscribe to my 2nd Channel to see full length versions of what you are watching right now! http://www.youtube.com/EXOabigdeal Over 320 uploads and counting! That's right, lots mor
JAEGER - Work (A$AP)
JAEGER - Work (A$AP) Bass Boosted
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Song - LBLVNC - Tentacion (w/Moy & Irkl)
Romasco's system is crazy! He definitely gives those wiper blades a run for their money ;) BIG thanks to Dennis for handing out some great bass demos at SBN 2014!
Dennis Romasco
tons of pics here - https://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/210713-extreme-car-audio-fail-fix-bucket-o-bass-chevy-silverado-intro-walk-around-tear-down-picsvideo/ - Join our
tons more pics here - https://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/210713-extreme-car-audio-fail-fix-bucket-o-bass-chevy-silverado-intro-walk-around-tear-down-picsvideo/ - Join ou
tons of pics here - https://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/210713-extreme-car-audio-fail-fix-bucket-o-bass-chevy-silverado-intro-walk-around-tear-down-picsvideo/ - Join our
Time to get started on the EXTREME COOLING SYSTEM before we install our 10,000 watt bass amplifier setup! Today we add air conditioned lines inside Little Blue, drill out the 0 gau
Pulled out my little 8" Raveland sub and hooked it up to my 400 w rms amp to do some tests.
Stupendous Excursion for this little sub!
The dazzling performances of two monsters have a carrying capacity of 10 kW in music playback
Great preparation in the 33hz tuned box big bass SPL & SQ sound!!! EXTREME POWER
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I knew he was playin'
Not only was the exhaust one the loudest I've ever heard, this Trans Am also tears it up on the drag strip as well! Bill Sexton races his Pontiac funny car at a local exhibition he
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See all the pics/progress here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/192946-father-son-project-02-yukon-a-rockford
FB audio 1600 tocando Bass, I love you
Running the subs in with a bit of fun
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Big THANKS to our official partners at Dollar Shave Club! All new members get 1 month of their "Sh*t, Shower, Shave" Starter Set which inclu
Come join the fun as we use our APM-1 from SSA to calculate the resonant frequency of our cabin both sealed up, and door open! Thanks For Watching :)
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See the Ipad dash build pics here: https://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/207795-now-thats-a-screen-out-with-the-old-faithful-mac-mini-in-with-the-129-ipad-pro-256g-new-inst
Enjoy the boom boom and rattle for my bass heads :)
Fluance Powered Subwoofers offer deep and intense bass for a truly immersive listening experience you can feel. Our sound engineers understand the importance of bass performance an
Today's the big day!, everyone! Time to hop on a plane and fly overseas to Manchester, England. That's right! Vibe Audio will be greeting us there for one of the biggest car audio
Focal brings you an amp that will drive a powerful system, yet it's only about the size of a large book.
Power for your entire system
Focal brings you an amp that will driv
What are your thoughts on the amount of time and energy many police forces put into regulating loud music? Whether your a US citizen or not, when do you feel the line should be dra
The Bluetooth Stereo Amplifier adopts performance 2pcs texas instrument TPA3116D2 amp chip, dual-channel max output power 50W x2 +100W to get clear audio sound, no pop, no audible
Testing out the 4k resolution mode on my rooted Samsung Galaxy S5! I must say, for a camera the size of your fingernail, I cannot believe the quality! And oh yeah.. THE AMPS CAME!
Today we dive back into Frankenstein! On the menu: Reducing the overall truck weight by removing the unused parts and brackets installed under the vehicle! These Ford Expedition to
EXO's Introduction To Frankenstein & Richards AQ Stereo System That Will Be Installed In His Next Build! Thanks For Watching :) THUMBS UP FOR MORE! :)
Thanks For
THUMBS UP FOR FINALLY BUMPIN' FRANKENSTEIN! That's right, today we're firing up the 6 18's for the first time in a nearly 2 years!! Playing on less than 170 watts per sub, stay tun
You know me, always finding ways to get hurt :)
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Hey everyone! Here's a little update video now that we're all moved into our new place - and by the looks of it, Franky seems to love it here too :)
Check Out The Mids & Highs!<
Should be up and running very soon! Thanks for following this crazy journey with me everyone :)
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Another great looking bass setup with Franks two 15's! This box was pretty sweet, and sounded great - Thanks for the demo man, can't wait to see the new upgrades! :)
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Come join the ride as we bike our way to the parts store for some replacement relays for Franky! Enjoy watching these types of videos? Be sure to slap a Thumb Up to let me know :D<
*HEY EVERYONE* - I know that a lot of you have seen this video, but I had to re-upload it because the last one was having wicked view counting errors. Thanks for watching, and have
With builds like this, you never know what's gunna' happen next!! Gatta' love it though :)
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Learn how to install an entire car audio system by yourself! This system only cost $300....
Full Package Bundle Link
A short but sweet bass demo from Alan Zeman''s 4th order wall loaded up with 2 15" NVX woofers on a single 5000 watt Belva amplifier! Loved the FURRY covering over the box too, rea
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A video just for laughs and smiles, havin' a blast at WalMart - Thanks for watching and if you enjoy the video, slap a thumbs up :) Installation, and overall updates coming up nex
Armaggeddon Panzer III speaker unboxing and review can be found at
1. http://ayumilove.net/armaggeddon-panzer-iii-elefant-2-1-speaker-review/
2. https://forum.lowyat.net
A short but sweet demo inside the RE Audio Sprinter van from SBN this year! For some reason it sounded even louder than 2 years ago - Thanks for the demo RE Audio! :)
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Proses pembuatan box speaker subwoofer 18" Model RCF
Box subwoofer 18" ini bisa digunakan di lapangan terbuka maupun da
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Install like a PRO - SMD products available here - http://www.wcCarAudio.com
I took this video a while back and forgot to
Power X 1200Watt Subwoofer speaker unboxing & overview | Power X 1200Watt 18" LFA1200 Specifications | Power X 1200Watt 18" Speaker for DJ and Bass bins.
Thanks for watching my
This was a demonstration built by graduate students at the University of Wisconsin -Madison in 2011. It's purpose was to be physically large so elementary school kids could look i
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Today i got a sample of the new 8/0 wire from Shok Industries and you know i had to try to cut it! The bluepoint cutters a
So glad I finally got to see the famous Demo Bus!! It's owned by Robert Jagacki, and is loaded with tons of Crescendo Audio & 12 18's from DC Audio! THUMBS UP for more videos :)
More pics on my site! Join today! https://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/212095-glass-bottom-dc-audio-904-custom-laser-cutengraved-plexiglass-cover-made-start-to-finish/
Thanks For The Gift Steve!
A million thanks to my man Meade out in Cali - Doin' it big on SMD ~ Links To His Page On My Channel. ~ EXO
Just Having Fun & Making Good Use Of The Cold :) THUMBS UP FOR MORE!
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Check out the sound system install here: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/188956-polaris-rzr-4-900-rockford-fosgate-sound-system-install-ubl-1500-watts-ipad-mini-more/<
Wal-Mart Flexin' Turns Into A Friendly Conversation :) THUMBS UP FOR MORE!
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Just 2 12's today... Fun times, blastin' good bass tunes, blowing some crappy subs with a crazy & cool twist. BASSHEADS UNITE! - EXO
Getting churned up like a Willy Wonka chocolate special! Josh's setup was nailing those higher bass notes like a champ - thanks for the awesome demo man, keep up the great work :)<
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board - Join our fun, friendly and knowledgeable community today!
an update to previous video 1 and 2...make sure to watch the others so
With over 30,000 watts of power coming our way, we need to make sure our battery bank can accommodate the big changes! Come join the fun as we revamp the entire rear of Frankenste
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Me and the wife were on our way to a costume party and i had an idea. I always wondered what would happen if a cr
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Buy links:
HAMAAN HMA-201 2 channel amplifier:
JBL GTO609C High-Fidelity Component Speaker System (Black)
JBL A1500HI 1500W 12" (300mm) Subwoofer
JBL GT-X1500
You might almost dismiss Paradigm's Monitor SUB 8 subwoofer for not looking beastly enough, but this little 11-inch (ish) cube can really belt it out, thanks to a high-powered ampl
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Tune like a PRO! SMD Products Available here http://www.wccaraudio.com
Tremendous BASS #192 (watch the
So you have a $400 budget to spend on a powered PA subwoofer BUT what Sub do you buy? Could it be this Harbinger S12 or something else?? well.. Just watch this video for the answer
Harman Infinity full Range|Alpha|Primus|Reference|Kappa|Component|Coaxial|Amplifier|Underseat Woofer|Speaker|
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Comment::: Really impressed with the sound quality of this device. The pure Bass kick in even at lower volumes; hasn’t got any distortion at its peak. Quality of sound may lose due
200 watts 8" HKTS200SUB
Song: Put on - Young jeezy
Camera: Xperia S
Time for some BASS everyone! Today we got all sorts of goodies including a little remixed Pokemon Go action at the end! Thanks For Watching! :D
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Heco Celan GT 702 Bassotronics Bass, I Love You
We're Back in Business Guys!
It's 4 in the morning, I'm tired, and I need some time to dream of what FIRST SONG to play!
Well guys, I think it's safe to say she loves those lows! I can't wait to get started on the new system for her Impala! Thanks for the demos Andy, thumbs up for more some awesome b
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No, i don't know if it actually drives.. I thought it was crazy looking so i filmed it!
CES 2015 Las Vegas, NV.
Don't forget
►In This Video I Will Showing How To Run 2 Subwoofers In 4 Channel Car Amplifier. You Must Watch Previous Videos & Never Miss It Again.
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Hip Hop Subwoofer Bass Test AuToBaSs EQuiPe Sound ManKinD
Let's uncover some common PROBLEMS with a new home theater room, shall we!?!? This video will break down what steps we'll take when treating the ideal space with cheap acoustic foa
Thanks for watching the next installment of Operation Neighbor Tickler! The (3) Stereo Integrity HS-24 subwoofers I am using in my home theater are really putting out some foundati
Homemade Bandpass Subwoofer - Bass Test 3 With a new intro.
Got my sister to jump inside Frankenstein again! It's so much louder than before so let's see how she likes it, shall we? :D Follow Me Here! http://instagram.com/EXOcontralto
Check Out Today's Sponsor Alphard Audio!
Link to the Cheapest Amazon "Subwoofer" (affiliate Link)
Link to This Little Amp! (affiliate Links)
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xMRmeE
eBay: https://ebay.us/xmAJz1
Make Sure to Check Out Today's Sponsor, Alphard Audio!
We explain the process of correctly matching car subwoofers and amplifiers. If it's a subject you find confusing, tune in and learn how to do it!
QMV Subwoofer Wiring Wizard: ht
Bassheads Unite 2017
Links to pick up this little MONSTER!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/30AFRGj
eBay: https://ebay.to/3fEZO4X
Lets see how loud of a system we can make with only Walmart gear!
Link to this Amp!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3B8cZJ0
Link to the better version of this sub!
How Low Can It Go? 1Hz ? Maximum Excursion Test! Open Air Subwoofer Torture Test
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A question I receive often is “How many layers of fiberglass do I need for a fiberglass subwoofer box, door pod, a pillar, etc.” Unfortunately there is not a simple answer, but in
How many watts my Treo Engineering TSI15.8 get daily
visit: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board - Join our fun, friendly and knowledgeable community today!
NOTE** any buzzing you hear in this video is NOT the amp! It is the PO
Hope you guys have enjoyed this video! Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more content!
Add me on Snapchat: Doublsmm
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SMD Products available here: http://www.wccaraudio.com , Amazon, Ebay, Droppin Hz, Skyhigh and Sonic Electronix!
More TM-1 info here: click here http://www.stevemeadedesig
You know those really loud songs that just slam on your subs? Well, in this flush mount install vid, I'll add a 2nd layer of wood to actually prevent box flex!
Time to make the workstation a little more comfortable thanks to a healthy change from today's DIY woodworking project... An automatic adjustable height standing desk! Being just w