8 sealed Incriminator Audio Judge 21" subs.
Thanks to our good friends Joe Hobby & MECA Judge Chris Gregory, "THE HOBBY" car show and MECA bass event is on the books to help raise money for our fellow basshead Richard Wojcik
SMD Products available at http://www.wcCarAudio.com , Amazon and Ebay!
Got the call on a Sunday morning that someone at DB Drag World Finals urgently needed some 23" 1/0 cable
#Subwoofer #Bass #CarAudio
It's time to expose the truth behind the popular Rockville K9 subwoofers! We all remember last year when the infamous version 1's came out, right? T
Used under fair use. Trouble finding good, deep, low hitting bass rap songs? Look no further... CLICK THE LINK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rczdzvN7K00
Watch as I do a bass test of the TORO Tech Force 8 Subwoofer. This is a Daily Music test at 1,000 watts to check build quality and endurance.
In the last video I introduce to