SPIKED Signals!? Reviewing EXO's Android Double Din Head Unit w/ Rungrace Car Stereo from GearBest

  • Well everyone, it looks like our Android head unit was a bust! And it was doing some pretty strange and potentially dangerous things during this review! So... from what we've gathered, we can't really recommend these units if you're looking for a safe and solid sounding 12v media source. We appreciate Gearbest for offering cheap stuff, but Rungrace simply can't hang with the big boys. Thanks for watching the review! :)
    Follow Me Here :)
    The Good:
    1: Great screen quality
    2: Easy to use
    3: Connects to internet easily
    4: Has GPS and Maps
    5: Can play YouTube & DVD's
    6: Nice for Pandora radio
    The Bad:
    1: Distorted & spikey signals
    2: No crossovers filters
    3: Low output voltage
    4: Limited options
    5: Plays from 2 sources at once
    6: Bluetooth comes in and out
    7: No playback during Navigation or Backup
    8: No song display via bluetooth
    9: No scrolling, rewind or ffwd via bluetooth
    10: One RCA sub output
    11: Paint chipping off power button
    12: Oversized for dash kits
    Overall, it's just not the right unit for a quality sound system.
    Check out our 1st video UNBOXING
    Here's the deck we are testing! (Rungrace - 257AGNR)
    Music By: Flaming Beats
    Bassheads Unite 2016

    Category : EXOcontralto


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