Here's a little update Day 12 after T&A surgery...Man, I'm so glad this is behind me. It's been one hell of a trip! Check out my last BASS Vid: Me Here :) 1: Not much pain after surgery, mouth was very sore
Day 2: Much more pain, increased swelling
Day 3: Even more pain, had to return to hospital to stop vomiting blood.
Day 4: Returned home from hospital, slight relief from Morphine.
Day 5: Pain started to increase again, scabs began to form
Day 6 - 7: Worst pain of all, stinging, throbbing, cant eat a thing. Started coughing up scabs / hard blood clots
Day 8: Slight relief o deep pain, but still LOTS of stinging when swallowing, and even more coughing up of scabs.
Day 9: Less pain, still very uncomfortable to swallow.
Day 10: Even LESS pain, started to feel better to swallow water, and eat food
Day 11: Nearly no pain with medicine, but still can tell some scabs were there.
Day 12: Nearly all scabs have come off, the pain is nearly GONE!
EXO Contraltos "FRANKENSTEIN" Ride
1999 Ford Expedition w/ Tinted Windshield
Pioneer USB Double Din Head Unit For Main Deck
5 300 Amp Alternators From Iraggi Alternator
6 Soundstream XXX 18" Subwoofer Baskets & Motors
6 PSI Car Audio Recones From
4 Crescendo BC3500d Bass Amplifiers @ 0.5 ohm
4 Crescendo PWX 10" Mid Bass Speakers @ 2 ohm
4 Crescendo PWX 6" Mid Range Speakers @ 2 ohm
6 Crescendo FT1 Super Tweeters @ 3 ohms
8 Crescendo Logic F31Hp 120AH AGM Batteries
Second Skin Alpha Damp Sound Deadener
Techforce Services Decals & Banners
1 MB Quart ONX4.125 4 Channel Amplifier
1 Oxygen Pro F550 Four Channel Amp
Big Three 0 Gauge Royal Exelene Power Wire
80lbs Door Popper Solenoid Kit | Wireless Key Fob
Bassheads Unite 2015
EXOcontralto / Bruce Wetherington
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