Using diy monoblock amp3.
Btw the air turbulence distort the sound quality of the sub using the cellphone cam too close to the ports enclosure. As i move away the distortion disappear.
The sub is properly break in. So relax the soft materials are intact. The voicecoil looks like a brand new penny, which is what it should look like, surround and spider is still in perfect shape. The white thingy is an electrical tape to visualize its 5+inches linear excursion.
Winner of Pinoydvd HT sub shootout champion for DIY vs Branded sub. DIY ported 8inchPioneer - 105.5db beating two 15inch Paradigm Servo-15v.2 - 105db
tested @ 9ft away from SPL meter.
Subwoofer specs found here: monoblock amplifier link here:,+denon,+onkyo,+hk,+pioneer,+sony+receiver,+also+for+kicker,+fosgate,+dd+car+sub.+Pilyo amps are compatible and tested on Kicker 18inch dual1 ohm solox, dd9515, 18inch Treo engeneering, JL audio 13W7, RE AUDIO 18inch xxx, Elemental 13av2, Rockford Fosgates T2, MMATTS, MA, MTX, Eclipse, Audiobahn, Fi btl, Orion HCCA, Alpine, JBL, Memphis, Pioneer, Lanzar. etc.
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